Vocabulary Assessment Study in Education (VASE)

Teachers across California have been working since 2009 to develop and test a new method of vocabulary assessment.  Funded by a grant from the United States Department of Education Institute of Education Sciences and the National Center for Educational Research, the goal of the Vocabulary Assessment Study In Education (VASE) is to develop a vocabulary […]


VINE was a three-year federally funded research project that explored the development of vocabulary knowledge through word consciousness. It was a collaboration between the University of California-Santa Cruz, San Jose State University, and seven districts in the surrounding areas. Goals To co-construct, with teachers, an intervention that helps fourth grade students, particularly English learners and […]


The goal of the tecWAVE project is to develop and test a web application that provides middle school students with explicit scaffolding for word learning through multimedia multilingual word annotation. When too many words are unknown in a text, comprehension suffers. tecWAVE takes advantage of the Internet to provide “in the moment” vocabulary assistance for […]

The VINE Consortium website is moving

The VINE Consortium website is moving. Please bookmark the new page at: vineconsortium.sites.ucsc.edu