VASE Research

VASE Research

The VASE assessments grew out of the assessments developed for the VINE project.  These papers discuss the development and use of the original VINE assessments, alternative assessments, and issues with traditional assessment

  •  Scott, J.A., Hoover, M., Flinspach, S.L. & Vevea, J.L. (2008). A multiple-level vocabulary assessment tool: Measuring word knowledge based on grade level materials. In Kim, Y., Risko, V.J., Compton, D.L., Dickinson, D.K., Hundles, M.K., Jimenes, R.T., Leandor, K.M. & Rowe, D.W. (Eds.), 57th Annual Yearbook of the National Reading Conference.
  • Flinspach, S.L., Scott, J.A., & Vevea, J.L. (2010). Rare words 59th NRC Yearbook. In R. Jimenez, V. Risko, M. Hundley, & D. Rowe (Eds.), 59th Yearbook of the National Reading Conference (pp. 187-200).  Oak Creek, WI: National Reading Conference.
  • Scott, J.A., Lubliner, S. & Hiebert, E.H. (2006). Constructs underlying word selection and assessments tasks in the archival research on vocabulary instruction. In C.M. Fairbanks, J. Worthy, B. Maloch, J. Hoffman, & D. Schallert (Eds.) 55th Yearbook of of the National Reading Conference. (264-275). National Reading Conference. Oak Creek, WI: National Reading Conference.

The VASE assessments are in the final phase of development. However, we have discussed some of the issues and challenges of this type of assessment at various conferences. Powerpoint presentations from those conferences are included below.

  • Scott, J., Flinspach, S. & Vevea, J.  (2013).  Vocabulary Assessment Study in Education (VASE): Using Multidimensional Testlets to Provide Diagnostic and Summative Assessments of Vocabulary Growth in Grades 4 and 5.  Developed for Assessment Showcase at the annual IES Principal Investigator Meeting.  National Center for Educational Research/Institute of Education Sciences Conference. Washington, D.C.
  • Vevea, J, Scott, J.A., & Flinspach, S.L. (2012) Measuring depth of vocabulary knowledge with testlets: Simultaneously assessing six aspects of word knowledge. Paper presented at the annual
    meeting of the American Educational Research Association. Vancouver, B.C., Canada
  • Scott, J., Flinspach, S. & Vevea, J.  (2012). …where no elementary vocabulary test developer has gone before: Breaking New Ground in Test Development.  In Invited Symposium:  How do you measure that? Lessons Learned from Goal 5 Projects.  At the annual IES Principal Investigator Meeting.  National Center for Educational Research/Institute of Education Sciences Conference. Washington, D.C.